Virtual Coaching
How Can Virtual Coaching Help You?
More learning happens OFF the range than you could imagine. So, if you haven't found a trainer to work with near you, or you simply want to work with Kristin, virtual coaching can help! Among the specific skills that can be improved through virtual coaching are:
Trigger Press and Grip
Draw Stroke
Concealed Carry Techniques for your body type and wardrobe
Creating / Developing your at home dry practice
In other words, you don't have to blow through rounds at the range to improve your shooting and concealed carry skills. I'd love to help you.
​During your initial consultation, we will discuss your personal goals, how virtual coaching can help, as well as scheduling to ensure your home environment is free of distractions during your virtual session.
Once your virtual session is booked, you will receive payment instructions as well as an email with detailed instructions that will help make your virtual coaching experience a success!
Your Pre-Session Email will include:
Guidance​ on how to select and set up a safe space in your home for gun handling that abides by the gun safety rules.
Technology best practices for a good experience.
A target(s) to print prior to joining your virtual session.​​